“Hairys” True ongoing stories of Sasquatch in the Rockies
“Once a myth is realized as reality, there is no defending it, only acceptance.”- Jason Frank, R.N.
The book “Hairys” was started after the passing of my Grandmother Beulah in a freezing cold Colorado winter of 2017. The thought to put into written word some of my experiences into the bizarre world of Bigfoot began turning as we laid her to rest in an unbelievably dramatic blizzard next to our beloved Grandfather Willard. She had always been supportive of my adventures and was one of the first people close to me to realize I wasn’t telling stories or making things up. I never intended for it to become published for public consumption, it was more for my family and myself and to preserve this incredible journey which continues to consume much of my life.
As such, it is written in a much more personal style than you may get in any other such book. The book, like life goes on and builds on itself as a chronical of this life I’ve led happily for over a decade at the fastest pace I can be allowed. After reading other books on the topic it seemed that the science, the horror, and the debates have been beaten to death. Since I was trying to chronologically document the incidences recalling and reliving the feelings, thoughts, and sometimes destructive effects such a discovery can have on a life, I attempted more to inform and explain the personal aspects of becoming a “Knower”.
Over time, my attitude towards the subject has matured from simply realizing that they really do exist, to wanting photographic, biological, audiological, proof, to more of wanting to understand behavior patterns and attempting to understanding the extremely complex language that I’ve heard so many times.
I also have the lifetime goal of them becoming familiar enough with me that perhaps someday, they will walk freely into my camp without fear of a deadly confrontation and perhaps even sit down attempt communication with me. Sounds strange, but that is my personal goal and one that is fraught with risk and an unbelievable amount of work and sacrifice.
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